Project / New build affordable dwelling on existing gap site
Client / Private Client
The proposal has been designed across two volumes: a single storey volume and two storey volume. This configuration of massing follows the shape of the sites neighbouring housing and achieves the “best fit” for the proposed dwelling on the site for privacy and overlooking – achieving a minimum of 18m of habitable rooms.
The two-storey volume sits to the edge of the site, forming a corner between Playfair drive and school drive – finishing the street. The single storey volume sits slightly recessed from the street creating a pocket of defensible space, whilst the active frontage and strategically placed openings, offer a degree of enclosure, surveillance and privacy for the proposed occupant and existing neighbouring residents.
We have focused on respectful contextual integration by sampling the surrounding materiality found within the immediate local context. We have in-filled the gap with the same mass, form, and scale as the neighbouring row of housing. The proposals façade ties in with the immediate housing context by aligning with window, door, and eaves heights with similar proportioning of windows and articulation of materials, achieving a cohesive “street”. Using these local ingredients, we have taken a contemporary reinterpretation of the existing condition with a focus on high quality of design and placemaking. The design consists of a high-quality brick material and smooth white render finish. Perforated, patterned stainless steel has also been added to accentuate the entrance areas, whilst also functioning to conceal outdoor storage. This will achieve a crafted aesthetic with minimal maintenance requirements and provide an overall improvement to the character and nature of the site area.