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Project  / Mixed use adaptive reuse, with extensions and major refurbishment, Meadowside, Dundee 

Client  / Private Developer


Our design proposals are for the reimagining of the beautiful No. 4 Meadowside, Constitution Road and Euclid Street buildings into high quality period apartments, ground floor shops and a gym facility. Originally home to the General Post Office (for over a 100 years), it was later partly converted to house London Nightclub in the early 2000’s and holds memories for many us of that live and work in the City, long providing an impressive backdrop to the historic Howff. The key project aim is to adaptively re-use the existing buildings, retaining as much of the existing fabric as possible to provide new characterful & historic city centre homes.




The proposals are centred upon a new planted residents’ courtyard, with roof gardens and biophilic design elements throughout. The existing facades of Meadowside and Constitution road are to be restored, whilst a new build element has been incorporated to Euclid street, replacing the dilapidated franking centre building facing Dundee High School.


The design of the new building has been carefully considered to build on the existing rhythm of glazing, floor levels and eaves heights whilst using a restrained palette of materials that complement the existing red and buff sandstone walls. A new glass link entrance will also provide a vertical slot to allow a reading of the original wall construction and a soft joint with the existing building.



As a practice we specialise in creatively re-using existing buildings and take great enjoyment from considering innovative ways to breathe new life into the nooks and crannies of existing structures. Working with Listed Buildings is always a careful balance of old and new elements, but we firmly believe that the history of a building can be very much be the primary asset rather than a hinderance to future development. We think the project will be another great asset to Dundee’s flourishing City Centre area.

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